It's swimsuit time! Before you panic and attempt dangerous quick fix solutions, let me tell you about a healthy and fast way to get yourself swimsuit ready.
During winter we tend to let ourselves go a bit and start eating those foods that make us feel more comforable and warm. We tend to drink more and exercise less.... So getting ready for summer can be difficult for some. With the help of getting ready for summer is a lot easier.
I get ready for summer with a kickstart, a more flexiable and subtle detox that supports the body to cleanse, rejuvenate and enable weight loss as well as improve digestive health.
A 5 day on and 2 day off plan that is free of dairy, wheat gluten, red meat, unhealthy fats, refined sugars and low-zero food chemicals and preservatives.
With this plan you can still have your morning coffee and have a break on the weekend which make it easy to stick to.
How it works
I was delivered a cooler bag with an ice pack prior to 7am at my home. If you’re doing this cleanse and want your bag delivered at work – this can also be arranged
The menu is altered each day, keeping it interesting while satisfying your tastebuds and stomach.
What do you have to do?
Each meal was neatly packaged within the cooler bag and was a matter of just serving it up. In some instances, the meals had the option of being heated in either the microwave or stove.
Why you should do this cleanse?
Do you want more energy for your busy and demanding life
Do you find yourself dragging at 3:00 PM & use sugar and caffeine to make it through the day
Do you experience bloat after eating
Do you feel tired all the time even though you’re working out and eating right
Do you work out a ton and still don’t get the results you expect
Do you want to hit the reset button on your metabolism so your body becomes a fat burning machine
The 5 day detox works out to $64 / day, and you get to keep the cooler bag & ice brick at the end of your cleanse. If your detox is longer, the price is cheaper.
Considering the money most people spend on food each day, this detox is a very affordable & an attainable way of getting your health back in check, guiding you back to sensible eating.
Types of cleanses that are available are:
- 20 day overhaul
- 20 day men’s x-celerator
- 10 day detox
- 5 day cleanse (this is what I did)
- Healthy eating
- Weight loss
Here are some addition detox tips I do on a daily basis, on or off a detox
- Start the day with a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice in water. This enhances digestion and liver detoxification. Don’t throw out the peel; the nutrients in lemon zest further promote liver detoxification. Add the zest to salads, cooked quinoa or fish.
- Sip on green tea throughout the day. It will help manage coffee withdrawal plus provide the body with antioxidants to help neutralise toxins. Green tea does contain caffeine, but it’s only a small amount and the benefits outweigh the minimal caffeine levels.
- Add fresh herbs to meals, especially coriander. This delicious herb has a unique detoxifying action and goes particularly well with stir-fries, fish and salads.
- Exercise daily
- Eliminate alcohol
- Drink at least two litres of water a day