Monday, August 1, 2011

How to be healthier without much effort

Sometimes it can be hard keeping up with all the ‘right’ things we're meant to be doing to stay fit and healthy. I’ve put together a list of some easy ways to be healthier without even trying.

Tip 1 # At the start of your day, drink warm water with a squeeze of lemon. Have this before you have your breakfast, it is an amazing way to kick start your metabolism. For the hard core healthy nuts out there try also adding apple cider vinegar with the lemon.

Tip 2 # Have a substantial breakfast. This really is the most important meal of the day. I usually have a big bowl of porridge to start me off which gives me heaps of energy, and also keeps me fuller for longer. If you don’t eat breakfast you're more likely to eat something unhealthy to for fill your hunger.

Tip 3 # Make sure you chew your food well and eat slowly. This is definitely my downfall, when I have a yummy plate of food in front of me, it is usually gone within minutes. My trick is to put my knife and fork down between mouthfuls.

Tip 4 # Control your portion sizes.

Tip 5 # Do not eat when you are not hungry. Most people will eat out of boredom and when they aren’t actually hungry. Try swapping the food for a glass of water or a herbal tea.

Tip 6 # Eat everything in moderation. I think this is extremely important. I do not, and will not ever diet. I believe in eating healthy food, but I do not deny myself completely if there is something I am craving. If you start denying yourself you are just setting yourself up for a binge fest.

Tip 7 # Stop drinking soft drinks. Try having a healthy juice everyday. This will help you consume your recommended daily intake of veggies and fruits. Other alternatives to soft drinks are herbal teas, coconut water, and of course water.

Spring is just around the corner so try and incorporate these simple little changes which will help you achieve your health and fitness goals.


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